MILLENNIUM CLINIC is a state of art clinical for Melanocyte transplant as well as Surgical and Non-surgical treatment of all kinds of skin and Hair fall problems are taken care of with utmost care, expertise and personal attention.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Scalp Condition Types
Hair Fall Problems???
Check which type of scalp condition you have:
Male pattern baldness : hair loss that is common in men and
is caused by genetics and the male sex hormones.
Alopecia areata : It is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes a patchy type of balding pattern.
Nutritional deficiencies : can cause hair loss. A protein deficiency, which is called kwashiorkor, or an iron deficiency, anemia, could be the cause.
Hyperthyroidism : which means an overproduction of thyroid hormone can cause hair loss.
Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, can also cause hair loss.
Hypopituitarism, or an underactive pituitary gland, can cause hair loss.
Lichen planus is a skin condition that can cause hair loss, as well as discoloration of the scalp.
Celiac disease is an allergy to gluten, and can cause hair loss.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disorder that can cause hair loss.
Trichorrhexis nodosa occurs when hair shafts have weaknesses and break easily. It is normally caused by genetics, but can also be a result of certain disorders.
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