Surgical Treatments
Surgical Modalities of Treatment:
Established surgical technique include:
- Mini puncture grafting,
- Blister roof grafting,
- Super grafting.
Cultured Melanotcyte Transplantation:
- Procedure requires highly sophisticated melanocyte culture laboratory and time gap between biopsy and transfer could range from 4 weeks to 8 weeks,
- Most important advantage is large area can be covered in one go from small biopsy sample.
Non Cultured Melanotcyte Transplantation:
- Technologically simple to perform,
- Requires very less equipment,
- Basically it is a day care procedure,
- Biopsy and Transfer procedures done on same day with time delay of only 3 hours,
- Requires very less equipmentCan be used to treat small lesions upto 100-150 sq. cm at a time.
- Stable form of vitiligo,
- No use of immunosuppressive &cytotoxic drugs at least for past 6 months.
Cotra Indications:
- Patients with active disease,
- Pregnant patients,
- Keloidal tendencies,
- Infection at recipient site,
- Evidence of koebner in past.
Specific Requirements:
- Medias,
- Lamellar flow bench,
- CO2 incubator,
- Centrifuge,
- Petri dish,pippetes,Kollagen,Tegaderm.
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