Surgical Procedures for Melanocyte Transplant
Cellular Separation:
Well-pigmented melanocytes engender pure colonies of pigmented cells, but cells separate cell type, or premelanocyte, which can differentiate spontaneously and stably in culture; this cell type includes both unpigmented and faintly pigmented cells.
Steps for Cellular Separation:
- The epidermal layer is incubated in 0.25% trypsin EDTA, solution, in a petri dish, for 45min-60min
- The dermal surface should be kept above
- This petridish is now placed in a Co2incubator at 370c, 5% Co2, for 50 minutes
- The epidermal sheets are gently manipulated with forceps to dissociate the epidermal cells
- Residues of dermis are discarded
- Patients serum about 0.5-1ml is added to neutralize trypsin
- The cells are washed with DMEM solution, centrifuged for 5 min at 1500rpm
- Supernant solution is discarded and the cellular pallet is mixed with patients serum (1-2ml)
- This is filled in insulin syringes, and is ready for transplant.
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